
Here is what I see

Leaves changing into a deep red and out of their summer green.

Cats snuggled up to watch feeding birds.

Flutters of wings back and forth from feeder to tree.

Squirrels defying gravity up and and down the tall pines.


Here is what I hear

Whites spinning.

Dishes washing.

Keys tapping.


Here is what I feel

Sadness from clips of horror on my facebook feed.

Worry about the world.

Amusement as I see the pets transfixed at the sliding glass doors as they watch the parade of critters breakfasting at the feeders.

Regret about talking more about chores this morning than I should have before the kids headed off.

Hope. It’s a beautiful day. Possibilities are endless. God is good. I will and can do my part.leaves_yellow_red_green_colors_palette_7139_3840x2400

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